Increase the member without surgery

According to statistics, more than 80% of men unhappy with the size of your penis. The Internet advertising and modern fashion magazines to encourage the development of complexes. This negatively affects not only sexual life, but also the self-esteem, family relationships and career development. Psychology of men almost immutable, in contrast with the size of the penis. Increase the member without surgery is very real.

The methods that help to cope with the problem?

increase the member without surgery

On specialized sites and forums that you can find a lot of information about different ways to change the size of the penis. They are mainly used in the non-surgical methods

  • hanging goods;
  • the use of the extender;
  • massage technique;
  • the stimulator and tip;
  • special ointments, gels and creams.

Change the size of the penis — the process is laborious and time consuming. To achieve positive results, you should choose the most appropriate way and read all the details.

The manipulation of stretching and pulling through the belt, vacuum pumps, various loads can lead to unpredictable change, a potentially disfiguring penis. Especially dangerous this type of techniques for elderly men — when damage to the tissues permanently lose their form and normal appearance. It is better to use natural remedies that will help you to get rid of the problem and does not hurt health.

Medicines for penis enlargement without surgery

The Internet is now freely sell pills, improve sexual health, increase the erection and the size of the genitals. The basis of the preparation contains a proprietary complex of herbs, all known for their healing properties. Components, when mixed, create an effective system, which helps to quickly achieve the desired result.

The natural pills of the composition of the work quickly, have no side-effects and unpleasant surprises. The herbal blend works from the inside, increasing in size the erectile tissue of the penis excited. Natural blood flow to certain organs to fill more fully, resulting in an increase of the erection.

Gels and creams that increase member

Among the variety of means that increase the genitals of men, the most popular and available for your use include gels, creams and ointments. They solve problems without pain, only with the help of the active substances. The surgical intervention and the use of dangerous structures will be required.

To buy funds that are actively advertised, in pharmacies or in online stores official of the manufacturer. In order to avoid frauds, it is good to understand how the particular cream. It also does not prevent a clear understanding of the companies established in this area.

the enlargement of the penis.

For a remedy for penis growth has to be in the presence of the following signs:

  • problems with the duration of sexual intercourse due to premature ejaculation;
  • the sexual dysfunction with soft erections;
  • the presence of inflammatory processes of the skin;
  • the unsatisfactory size of the penis;
  • frequent damage to the foreskin;
  • the low level of sensitivity.

To enlarge the penis without surgery through the use of any ice. Importantly, use regularly in combination with other agents involved in these actions.

As the creams and gels that increase the size of a member?

Positive reviews on various websites and Internet forums, talking about what tools are really effective. The most important thing — to choose the most suitable composition.

  1. Enzymes. The action of the active substances as a goal the growth of reproductive organ length and width.
  2. Glycyrrhiza glabra. A quite common ingredient has a restorative effect, improves the libido and gives the tone of the penis.
  3. Thistle. The whole plant contains substances that actively stimulates the production of testosterone in the male body.
  4. The extract of shepherd's purse. It opens the pores of the skin for a better absorption of vitamins and minerals, which include a large number of drugs for penis enlargement.
  5. The phytosterols. Stimulates the secretion of the glands, the improvement of sperm activity. Good prevention of diseases related to the male reproduction system.
  6. The goldenrod. The herb prevents the inflammation, which is especially important for secretory function.

Experts recommend to select for the growth of the penis gels and creams, which are based include the maximum security components. Only one composition can quickly lead to the expected result.

Instructions for use ointment media

A common cause of inefficiency of the product is the wrong method of application. Using a gel, you must follow the General rules (video with detailed instructions can be found on the Internet):

  • before the surgery, the genital area should be washed thoroughly with soap and water and wipe the skin should be dry;
  • the cream has to take a little, just enough to grind the entire length of the penis;
  • the product applies to the partner with a gentle massage movements massage until the complete absorption of the gel (usually it takes 3-5 min.).
big penis

When the Saturation has to stop the process and continue later. Ointment or cream for the growth of the penis is recommended to apply with a clear periodicity — twice a day, morning and before going to sleep. In violation of schedule the result may be a long time to manifest itself. The average duration of treatment is 3-4 months, depending on the individual reactions of the organism and the initial of the magnitude of the problem.

It is difficult to imagine a more effective method of non-surgical penis enlargement with special creams, ointments and gels. Simple therapy is at home and has almost no contraindications (except individual intolerance of the components). Another advantage is the affordable cost of treatment, in comparison with surgery and other methods.