Ivan-tea (fireweed) has many beneficial properties for men's reproductive health.



Well-prepared drink of this plant allows you to fill the body:

  • vitamins (especially A, B, C, that the leaves of the fireweed more than any citruse);
  • polysaccharides (complex carbohydrates) is optimal source of energy;
  • organic acids and fitosterolami, which are involved in the hematopoietic system, and produces antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • flavonoids, which help in the prevention of injuries of the gland of the prostate;
  • the alkaloids that affect the Central nervous system, stimulating the flow of blood to the organs pelvic.

Named substances and more than 30 other elements in the composition of plants are able to clean the body of toxins and other harmful substances, promote the overall upgrading and rejuvenation of the body, to stimulate the immune system to fight a variety of diseases, and – most importantly – to restore healthy sexual activity in men. Fireweed is having on the male body the following:

  • regulates the normal flow of metabolic processes;
  • optimize the functioning of the endocrine system (thyroid and adrenal);
  • ensures healthy reproductive system particularly the testicles;
  • restores the hormonal balance and the level of the male sex hormone testosterone;
  • it affects the nervous system, the elimination of the consequences of stress and nervous strain, which is often the cause of the impotence psychological.

The impact of fireweed on the power provided by its ability to stimulate the prostate, to alleviate the symptoms of his defeat, to suppress the growth of tumors and to produce a beneficial effect on all organs and systems responsible for education of erection.

Because of the effect on the hormonal balance and the ability to strengthen the walls of blood vessels fireweed helps to fill the penis with blood and contributes to the sustainable development of the erection.


The proper use of the beverage based on fireweed allows the man to resist successfully the feeling of impotence and prostate diseases, and also to help representatives of the stronger sex and in advanced age to preserve the viability of the sexual sphere. Fireweed of power helps to strengthen male health and improve the quality of sexual life. Apply Ivan tea for the potency recommended in two ways:

  • in the form of infusion;
  • in the form of decoction.

The infusion of willow-herb is prepared as follows:

Take dried crushed leaves (1 tsp) and pour them with boiling water (350 ml).

Let the mixture steep for 13-15 minutes, then strain it and give it a bit of fresh air.

In point of infusion drink twice a day for a day.

The total duration of the course of treatment with medicinal tinctures should be at least 30 days. In the end, there must be a break in 30-45 days and again repeat the course of treatment.

Should follow the recommendations on the dose and the duration of reception of the facilities as a violation of the rules will result in serious consequences.

Broth – the tool is more concentrated, so that the decision should be even more strict compliance with the dose:

Take dried leaves of fireweed (2 tablespoons), pour in boiling water (350 ml).

The mixture boil for a quarter of an hour, then turning off the heat, leave to brew the broth for 90 minutes.

Ready means that you need to strain, cool and drink three times a day 1 tablespoon.

A decoction of fireweed is desirable to use it directly before a meal.



Prostatitis and adenoma of the prostate are one of the main causes of the weakness of the power. To treat these men diseases there is a separate recipe:

Take equal parts of dried crushed leaves and root of fireweed (10 gr.), pour boiling water (175 ml).

To give way to steep for 1 hour, then drain and leave to cool.

The finished broth take 1 tablespoon three times a day.

In receiving this tool, and the use of the infusion of fireweed to combat the disorders of the sexual sphere (in particular, impotence) should be an important rule: after 30 days of treatment should be a break in 30-45 days.

Please, note! The interruption in treatment will allow the male body to relax and try to establish the function of the genitourinary and reproductive system.


Strict contraindications for the use of fireweed for improving male potency is not, however, the tool in the form of infusions and decoctions should be used with caution:

  • if you have problems with the increase of the coagulation of the blood;
  • thrombosis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • to varicose veins.

In the absence of these problems is to drink fireweed to combat the impotence can be almost without limits, with the exception of the dose. Regular exceeding of the daily dose and course of treatment of more than 30 days possible side effects:

  • indigestion;
  • violation of the liver;
  • alterations in the bowel.

It is important! To avoid unexpected health problems before taking should consult with your doctor.